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Current exhibitions: Coming Soon



Recent Exhibitons

  • Columbian Art Show// July 2014

  • Dallas Gallery Lumin Arte//June 14 2014

  • Inaguracion Milan Gallery//August 2014


Past Exhibitons

  • Exposition of the Gallery//2007

  • La Acacia Gallera, La Havana Cuba//2007

  • Boyeros' Center of Art, La Havana, Cuba//2006

  • Cuba's Embassy in Kuwait//2005

  • Exposition "El Diablo Cojuelo"//2004

  • Cuban Art in Mexico-Center Gallery//2003

  • Jamis Gallery, Cubam Embassy of Mexico//2003

  • Honor to the painter, Mario Gallardo, Mexico//2003

  • Center of International News. La Havana, Cuba//2000

  • The House of Culture, La Havana Cuba//2000

  • Gallery Amelia Pelaez, La Havana Cuba//1999

  • Maximo Gomez Museum, La Havana Cuba//1999

  • Cuba's National Art Arboretum-First National Room of Lanscape, La Havana Cuba//1998

  • Havana Fine Arts, Miama, FL//1998

  • Center of International News, La Havana Cuba//1998

  • Gallery Amelia Pelaez, La Havana Cuba//1997

  • The House of Culture, La Havana Cuba//1996

  • Maximo Gomez Museum, La Havana Cuba//1996


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